Download 'The Power of Music to Change Lives: A National Plan for Music Education' (NPME), released by the Department for Education and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, in June 2022. This replaces the earlier NPME released in 2011.
The Power of Music to Change Lives: A National Plan for Music Education.
NPME resources from Music Mark.
NPME resources from Music Teachers Association, for teachers and schools.
YMH is pleased to be able to offer a limited number of sing up subscriptions for the 23/24 academic year.
Sing Up has an extensive catalogue of established and commercially successful songs expertly arranged for young voices.
o The songs come with high quality backing and performance tracks as well as sheet music and an interactive white board mode.
o Membership gives you access to all their songs as well as teaching resources and support materials including their new Sing Up Music Units for every year group.
o This is not only excellent for teaching but also to provide material and accompaniment for singing assemblies.
o The breadth of the Sing Up catalogue is a real selling point.
Women’s History Month is dedicated to celebrating and learning about women’s contributions to history, culture and society.
This calendar features 32 female composers and is intended to inspire everyone to explore the lives and works of these trailblazing musicians.
BBC Ten Pieces opens up the world of classical music to 7-14 year olds. Explore their exciting films, lesson plans, instrumental arrangements & live events!
One of the key aims of the Ten Pieces project is to encourage children to develop their own creative responses to the classical music they hear in the Ten Pieces film. The new collection for 2024 shows works by women composers.
A day at the pond is a brand new, multi-part digital resource for early years featuring music and dance from the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment (OAE) and South Asian Arts-uk (SAA-uk), narrated by Seetal Kaur.
Energy Energy is a live orchestral performance from Bridlington Spa, streamed directly into your classroom! During the concert students will learn about the story of Energy, explore their own response to the climate crisis and understand the difference that they can make to the world. Energy is an interactive orchestral performance aimed at KS2 pupils devised by Sinfonia Viva. This streamed performance features fourteen musicians from Sinfonia Viva performing with students from East Riding, presented by music leader James Redwood and science leader Melanie Boyeson, with live BSL interpretation.
To access audio, scores & resource pack please click here
Five a Day is a resource for school and non-educational settings to develop music making and singing every day. Designed for children in formal and non-formal settings who do not currently access singing and music making on a daily basis, and the staff who work with them, this resource is a fantastic tool to develop confidence and a joy of singing together.